Carolina Trinker
Introducing myself is perpetually difficult. Whenever asked: “Where are you from?”, I struggle to answer to my satisfaction. I am one of the odd, rootless people of a new generation: my mother grew up in Brazil, my father in Austria, and I, around the world. My cultural experiences are fragmented, yet some places and passions have remained consistent in my life: my family’s homes, and my inherent love for music (I played music from an early age), hands-on creativity and humanities subjects.
I have attained a unique, expansive perspective formed by multiple disciplines, and it continues to shift and establish itself. My absurdly wide-spread tastes range musically from Debussy to Jeff Buckley. All the while, my English accent remains in permanent limbo somewhere in the Atlantic Ocean. My circuitous journey has been a blessing.
My academic past informs many of the questions that my work addresses. My literal displacements have imbued in me the instinct to collect elements (objects to videos) from physical surroundings. From this, I gravitate towards critical design methods, vulnerably juxtaposing these ideas through textiles and silhouettes. I have recently developed a particularly deep interest in knits; thoroughly enjoying playing with the idea of a knit binary or code, and trying to intercept it.
I encourage discussion around the undefined metaphors generated from this approach, questioning societal structures and human-material relationships. My hope is that, from such conversations, people may draw inferences on personal stances, as well as further issues of collective social attitudes.